About us
The Institute of International Exchange is a non – governmental and non – profit international organization. We hope to build an equal and friendly platform for exchanges and cooperation around the world.
We participate in and advocate the importance of exchanges in today’s society, including but not limited to the economy, education, energy and sustainable development, culture and arts, social security and many other fields. We promote the all-round development of global communication through various studies and conferences.
We focus on the professional development of our members and provide them with international support and projects, so that more people can participate in the organization and strive for the common welfare of human society.
The Institute of International Exchange was born out of love for people and culture. We believe that the greatest treasures for the Earth are the young people who have the power to build the world as one and to make it a better place. We believe that education is the foundation for everything and that the real change in the world comes from every single one of us. We were created to sustain the younger generation and to encourage cultural exchanges between countries.
The mission of Institute of International Exchange is to concentrate on the similarities between people, not on the differences and to promote and sustain the younger generation into realizing their dreams and creating a better place for all of us.
We want to encourage people to constantly find ways to develop and grow, and we do this by organizing studies on various themes, conferences and seminars so that we all can share our knowledge and good practices and learn from each other, international student exchanges – so that our students can learn more about other cultures and to be better prepared for a world with no cultural boundaries. The Institute of International Exchange organizes events online and offline to create and maintain a strong community and to find better ways for our members to cooperate and to realize their dreams and projects. We sustain and encourage innovation and initiative, so we have created a special tool “ Initiaive X” to promote and develop the best projects and ideas of our members.

Our vision is to bring together people from all over the world and to unite them with their dreams and with their culture. Even though we are all unique in our diversity, in the deepest corners of our souls we are all the same: we have the same dreams, the same feelings and we can find ourselves in the lines of each other’s stories.
Our core values are: Integrity, Constant learning, Trustworthiness, Innovation, Collaboration and Partnership and Respect.