March on Carbon Neutrality
Climate change is a global challenge that transcends borders. To solve this problem, we require coordination at all levels as well as international cooperation to help countries’ economies transition to a low-carbon one.
On the seventh anniversary of the landmark Paris Agreement that deserves commemoration in the world, a promising movement towards carbon neutrality is emerging. As the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement mentioned, “We should to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.”, many countries around the world that want to achieve this temperature control goal have announced to achieve carbon neutrality.

Why shall we achieve Carbon Neutrality?
Preventing further global warming and avoiding more serious consequences has become the common mission of all mankind, and “Carbon Neutrality” is a necessary means to achieve this mission and it’s also an important support for the long-term sustainable development of human society. Why do major countries in the world propose to achieve “Carbon Neutrality”? The fundamental reason is to protect the global ecological environment and consider the sustainable development of the human economy and society.
Research on Carbon Neutrality by Institute of International Exchange
Finland is leading its way to net zero emissions among, Finland aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 through a medium-term climate change policy plan and a national climate and energy strategy to be implemented in June 2019.
Most developed countries have set a timetable for carbon neutrality after peaking their emissions. For example, Finland has pledged to achieve net zero emissions by 2035 and Sweden, Austria and Iceland by 2045. The European Union, the United Kingdom, Norway, Canada and Japan have set a carbon neutral date of 2050. Some developing countries, such as Chile, also plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.
By analyzing the behaviors and development trends of countries in achieving Carbon Neutrality, we found that Carbon Neutrality is becoming an important part of global climate governance, and
developed countries/regions such as the European Union are important leaders in Carbon Neutrality Actions. High-emitting countries such as the United States and India should join the International Carbon Neutrality Community. The international community should carefully design strategies and policy paths to achieve Carbon Neutrality, and incorporate the vision of Carbon Neutrality into international climate governance. We will keep strengthening research on Carbon Neutrality Strategies in key countries, and provide other countries with technical paths, policy measures and advanced experience for low-carbon recovery and transformation of social equity, carrying out follow-up research on international Carbon Neutrality Actions, quickly identifying opportunities for climate governance, and responding to changes in the international climate governance situation.

International Carbon Neutrality Traineeship Program (EU)
Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is the most urgent mission in the world today. In this context, we hopes that more and more people will understand carbon neutrality and contribute to the development of global carbon neutrality. Therefore, we have developed the International Carbon Neutrality Traineeship Program (ICNT), and applicants will carry out a 13-week practical training on carbon neutrality-related knowledge and information under the guidance of the trainer. The main content of the project is the development and status quo of the EU in this field. The European carbon neutralization process started early and progressed rapidly. As a large economy with the most advanced technology and the most complete legal system in this field, the EU has a strong demonstration role.
We welcome people from all walks of life around the world to actively participate in our training programs.